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Zip Code

Target prospects near your business by getting access to every household in nearby neighborhoods. At a discounted rate, build your brand awareness today.


Zip Code Mailing Lists

Fill out this form below for a FREE quote & start your zip code Mailing Campaign today!

Call (800) 961-4877 from Mon to Fri, 8 am to 7 pm PST. Or fill-in this form, and we'll reach out to you:

Build your local brand awareness by sending discounted direct mailers to every household in your local neighborhoods!

Zip code mailing lists, also known as residential mailing lists and saturation mailing lists, will help your business get access to every household in your desired carrier routes and neighborhoods. Immediately introduce your business or nonprofit organization by blanketing entire neighborhoods with your direct mail letters, postcards, brochures, etc.

How does it work? You choose the zip codes, carrier routes and neighborhoods you’d like to reach, & we’ll provide the average demographic information of the households including average age, percentage of presence of children, average income, home value, etc, Our team will design, print and mail out your pieces at the lowest discounted bulk postage rates.

Stop wasting your money and time with poor mailing lists and undeliverable addresses. With over 40 years of direct mail experience, the Addressers offers the most accurate and affordable zip code mailing lists with guaranteed deliverability. Our team will work with your business or nonprofit organization to build valuable relationships with local neighborhoods. Get ahead of the competition today with our residential mailing list by zip code!

Learn Why The Addressers Is The Best Source For Zip Code Mailing Lists

  • Same Day Quote, Next Day Mail: Let us know the regions you’d like to target. We’ll get you a free quote the same day. We’ll also help create your residential mailing list and print & mail your campaign out the next day.

  • Custom Residential Mailing Lists: We can help you target residents base on your specifications of zip codes, cities, counties, radius around an address, outline on a map and more! Our residential lists are fully customizable to your targeted needs.

    • Take advantage of our ability to target residential addresses and removing low income OR any age of 80+ to boost your responses for your direct mail campaign!

  • One-Stop Direct Mail Solutions: From graphic design, variable data printing services, mailing lists by zip code to sending out your campaign, our in-house capabilities allow us to handle your entire direct mail project seamlessly with fast turnaround services.

  • Lowest Costs Guaranteed: Maximize your marketing budget with a zip code mailing list. With the residential addresses in a compact area, we are able to help you qualify for a very low postage. all Let our team help you qualify for the discounted bulk postage rate and take advantage of our cost-efficient, in-house printing services.

    • Working with us helps you avoid from working with a zip code mailing list provider, design team, print and mail house.

  • Best Direct Mail Company: The Addressers is the leading provider in zip code mailing lists and residential mailing lists by zip code along with nationwide direct mail services.

Frequently Asked Questions about zip code mailing lists

How do I purchase my first mailing list by zip code?

Send us zip codes, boundaries drawn on a map, descriptions of the area you want to target, etc and our team will provide a report along with the count for the zip code mailing list you requested. From there you will be given a file with routes that cover your designated area and average demographic information including average age, annual income, home value, percentage of homes with the presence of children, etc, and you can choose from the mailing routes we provided to target.

What is the current postage cost to send out residential/zip code mailings?

As of January 2023, the postage cost to send out a residential/zip code mailing is $0.213 per piece. This is a huge discount we recommend taking advantage of as any mailings sent out on your own will have a postage cost of $0.63 per piece.

What is a mail/postal carrier route?

A postal carrier route is a list of addresses that are delivered mail under the same USPS code and mailing route. Postal carrier routes are nine digits long with the first five numbers indicating the ZIP Code and the next digit represents a letter to indicate the route type, and the last three digits are the carrier route code. An example is 92019C005.

Is it possible to send a direct mail piece to every household in a desired zip code?

Yes, just let us know which zip code or zip codes you’d like to reach. We’ll get you the count along with the average demographic information of these specified homes, and from there, you can decide if you’d like to target these homes or switch to other zip codes. Our team will work with you to find the most ideal zip codes!

What percentage of homes will come with a name in a residential mailing list by zip code?

About 70% of the zip code mailing list will have a name along with an address. Residential mailing lists by zip code are still preferred over every door direct mail (EDDM) because you can address recipients by name and avoid being viewed as junk mail. The costs between EDDM and residential mailing are quite similar, so our experts always recommend residential mailing lists.

Can you target specific consumers or businesses with targeted mailing lists?

Yes, we recommend using Consumer Mailing Lists or Business Mailing Lists to get access to consumers and businesses customized by demographic and geographic selects. Instead of entire neighborhoods, you’ll be targeting individual consumers by demographics such as annual income, age, ethnicity, education level, hobbies & interests, and more. Reach businesses in a 30 mile radius from your business with over 50 employees.

What is a postal receipt from the USPS?

A postal receipt is a proof of processing and mailing of a specific quantity on a date by the USPS. Some of our customers are required to have some proof of mailing for their campaign. This is common for notification mailings, HOA mailings, and just campaigns where they’d like to see proof that the mailing was sent out. It’s no extra charge just request it for your zip code mailing.

What businesses can take advantage of a zip code mailing list?

Mailing lists by zip code are great for businesses that offer services most homes can take advantage of or are interested in. From lawn care, landscaping, contractors, restaurants, dentists, doctors, chiropractors, roofing, etc, it’s all about the services and products you offer. Nonprofit organizations can get more of a discount by sending out campaigns with residential mailing lists by zip code.

Why are the Addressers the leading provider in zip code mailing lists?

We have over 40 years of expertise with targeted mailing lists and formed great relationship with accurate list vendors to get the lowest prices. Our databases are updated frequently, and we guarantee a high level of accuracy. We are a full-service mailing that can design, print, provide a mailing list by zip code, and mail your direct mail campaign at the highest quality and fastest turnaround. Here is what you can expect from our lists: Accuracy of Our Mailing Lists.

What is a residential booster list?

We can take a standard residential list and remove ages 80+ and low income households to improve the targeting of the list, and at the same time, still qualify your residential or zip code mailing at the lowest postage available.


Check out our pen addressing machine in action!


And we specialize in far more than Zip Code Mailing Lists!

The Addressers is a full-service direct marketing company with over 40 years of experience. We are one of the leading providers for printing and mailing in the nation. Our team of professionals can handle your entire campaign from designing, mailing servicefulfillment servicedigital & offset printing, and mailing list service. Outsource your residential mailing lists by zip code to the experts today.

Check our other direct mail services:

Contact our marketing experts if you have questions about our Targeted Mailing Lists by Zip Code or if you need any assistance with marketing your business/organization. 

 Call (800) 961-4877 or click here to email us.


Addressers Customer Reviews

best mailing list by zip code

Tech Armor, Peter Marlenga

I've used The Addressers on and off for the past 10 years and am always impressed with their professionalism, speed and quality. Not to mention you can't beat the prices. This is the best value you'll get for your direct mail dollars, that's for sure.

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Citrus County Dream Team, Bruce Brunk

We've had a great experience working with the Addressers on our last 3 mailings. They have been professional, helpful, and timely in their service. We have had a good return on investment with responses to the mailings sent and plan to continue to work with the Addressers in the future.

saturation mailing service

5 Mile Media, Nathaniel Bradley

Addressers has been great for our agency. Sydney, Lucy and the rest of the team have juggled multiple projects for us flawlessly and always with a great attitude. Thanks guys!

residential direct mail lists

Precision Property Measurements, Abby Feauto

The whole Addressers team was amazing on a recent direct mailer order. The process could not have been more smooth. From a quick quote to sending me specs for the artwork and checking my list, they were all great. They also hurried my order, so it could arrive to mailboxes as close to my preferred date as possible. They were very affordable and the quality was great too! You’re in good hands with this team!

local mailing list service

Peter Kim

Exceedingly good service! Will be sure to use them again in the future if I get the chance and would recommend to everyone.

Check out more of our 5-star Google testimonials!