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Direct Mail Guides

Check out the Addressers' Direct Mail Guides to help create more cost-effective and irresistible direct marketing

Direct Mail Tips and Guidelines

Is There A Way To Elevate Your Residential Mailing Campaigns?


take advantage of our response booster list capabilities today!

Direct mail houses like the Addressers has the ability to target residents at a very discounted rate because of their mailing permit, postage knowledge and list capabilities. These residential mailing campaigns are fantastic for marketing or notifying local individuals because of it’s ability to blanket an entire area with your postcard, flyer, brochure and more.

These residential and saturation lists follow mailing routes within a neighborhood, city, zip code, and more allowing you to mail them out at a very low postage. These residential mailing lists on their own can be are very useful but the Addressers has found a solution to improve your responses, and this solution is called a residential booster.

These residential boosters will take your standard residential or saturation lists that target everyone in the area, and we’ll further filter your list to remove individuals who are 80+ in age and low income households as well. This residential booster is fantastic because it will filter your list, keep your postage rate the lowest as possible, and it comes with no extra fee.

If you believe your product, service, or announcement would be more useful for a younger demographic and with a middle/high income, adding a response booster to the list can be very beneficial to your direct mail campaign.

This response booster is a fantastic list service for almost every industry from gyms, spas, nonprofits, dentists, entertainment centers, and any business and organization looking to improve their return on investment on their residential campaigns.

Reach out to our team today for a free quote on your campaign!

reach out about how our residential boosters can elevate your next mail campaign!

Call (800) 961-4877 for a FAST QUOTE from Mon to Fri, 8 am to 7 pm PST.  Or fill-in this form, and we'll reach out to you:

Kent MoonComment