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Direct Mail News and Tips

The Benefits Of Business Reply Mail Campaigns

Business Reply Mail

What is business reply mail (BRM)?

Business reply mail is a unique USPS service where you can send out return envelopes and postcards with prepaid postage. In other words, your recipients can easily fill out the survey or subscription you sent them and drop it right into their mailbox, without the need to buy a stamp. Once you receive their responded mailing, you will only be responsible to pay for the postage for the mail pieces that have responses. This mailing service makes it convenient for recipients to respond without having to pay for the postage to get the mailing back to you, and business reply mailers make it useful for businesses of all sizes who are looking to improve response rates and speed up response time.

Businesses and nonprofit organizations interested in sending out prepaid reply envelopes and reply cards must jump through a few hoops such as applying for a BRM permit at your local postal office, paying an annual fee, and following specific design guidelines set up by the USPS. Applications can be found at your local USPS and their website. 

What are the benefits of BRM?

The benefits of business response letters and postcards include improved response rates and immediate feedback from your direct marketing campaign. BRM has proven to help businesses and nonprofit organizations improve responses for surveys, subscriptions, donor donations, and more, at a discounted rate. The beauty of business reply envelopes and business reply cards is it presents less of a challenge and roadblock for prospects to respond.

Moreover, the cost of each responded envelope and responded card is worth the new lead. Although you’ll be paying a higher cost for business reply envelopes and cards than ordinary letter and postcards, you’ll only be paying a higher per piece for those responded mailers. The xtra cents spent on BRM are worth the surveys responses, donations, and more. You can continue to cut costs by avoiding the BRM annual fees by using a direct mail company’s business reply mail permit. More often than not, outsourcing to an expert direct mail company will help you save money on design, printing, and postage.

Next, BRM will help you get ahead of your competitors. Your competitors ordinary and plain letter and postcards won’t receive the same amount of responses and attention as your personalized business reply mailings. Business reply mail is very unique to recipients and it demonstrates you put the time and effort to build this relationship with your recipient.  

Postage paid reply envelopes and cards are effective for surveys, subscriptions, quick surveys, nonprofit donations, donor donations and more. Basically any type of direct mail campaign where you need a quick, better-guaranteed response.

In Conclusion

If BRM is something you’re interested in, we recommend saving the time of applying along with the annual fees by outsourcing your BRM campaign to a BRM direct mail expert like the Addressers. We have over 40 years of experience in prepaid return envelopes and prepaid return postcards. Use our permit for FREE and we’ll help you cut costs on printing and postage as well. Need help processing data? We’ll receive your responded business reply mailers, and we offer many options of processing your data or sending it over straight to you.

Click here to learn more about our Business Reply Mail Services.



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